

In keeping with my aim of getting back to unserious and light-hearted blogging, I detail a recent intriguing dream.

At the turn of the year…

So. 2020 was a curious year. For me personally, it was a trial in many ways. An opportunity for deep learning and growth. Well, I suppose any year is, but 2020 was particularly so. And no, it is not due only to the pandemic. Even the content and style of this blog is going to change, so I thought it worthwhile to write up this post. It was a long (but short!

Under the auspices of birds

There is no bigger backing for the claim that birds are Mighty and Majestic (yes, capital M&Ms), than the fact that us humans, to this day, call upon them prior to any major undertaking. “Eh?” you ask? Allow me to elaborate. Classical Roman society had certain priests who had pretty important roles. So important, in fact, that no major project, public or private, would commence without the involvement of these priests—even war and religion!